Take Part / Get Involved - Rules / Privacy
Closing Date is the date given on the competition webpage or flier.
Only 10-16 year olds resident in Cornwall can enter.
HSK Youth, the young people who created the #StartNow website wanted to hold competitions to get
- lots of young people involved and;
- as many great ideas about looking after emotional wellbeing and mental health to use on the site as possible.
Because of this the judges (members of HSKYouth) may select as many entries as possible to feature on the website not just the winners. We are asking entrants to agree that entries may be used by Headstart Kernow on the Start Now website even if they aren’t winners.
Entries can be from individuals (with permission from a parent / carer) or via a school.
All entries must be submitted via our online form
Please read our privacy statement before entering.
The judges’ decision in all circumstances will be final.
Winners will be informed by email and details posted on the website.
Some entries may be posted on the website before the closing date.
Any questions contact us
We look forward to receiving your entries…
... StartNow!