Back to School
Headstart Youth hope you:
Feel positive about the school year ahead
Know how to look after your wellbeing and be able to find coping strategies for when things get a bit much
Feel OK to ask for help when you need it
Are the holidays over already? Is it really time to go back to school? Yep! So, as well as checking out whether your uniform still fits... and getting a new pencil case (and at least ten new highlighter pens); and a Chelsea lunch box...Make sure you''re ready for back to school by getting...
and this year we've got 4 new brilliant Connect Card Designs
Starting Secondary School this term?
Are you going up to secondary school in September? Got a few questions? Feeling a bit anxious? Transition Mission will help...
Transition Mission has been created by a group of young people in Cornwall. They wanted to share some of the things they think could help make transition easier. Transition mission is full of great advice and really helpful wellbeing ideas.
Your school may have already given you a copy of the booklet. If not you can Download Transition Mission here
Transition Mission Booklet with downloadable pages
There's more about Transition MIssion plus great ideas and activities in our wellbeing toolkit
Download extra copies of reusuable pages:
(Click on the images)
There are more fantastic activities for self-care, including more breathing / calming ideas and downloadable colouring sheets in the Wellbeing Toolkit
Trekenner School Y6's present Transition Mission the Movie
Trekenner School Y6's wanted to make a film about some of the things they were worried about and some tips for overcoming them... so they went on their own Transition Mission...
Worry Buster Posters
They also designed some Worry Buster posters which are going to be sent to schools in September...
Moving up - a film about Transition
We love this great advice from Lyra who's a Y6 student. She wrote it for her school 'younger sister'...
Great Back to School wellbeing ideas...

- Worry Walt's "What to do about Worries" - Whether you've got a few worries about going back to school after a bit of a weird year or starting at a new school, you're not alone, lots of students feel this way and it's perfectly normal!
- Wellbeing & Resilience Action Plan: - make your own wellbeing action plan and find loads of really great ideas to download in the Wellbeing Toolkit. Great ideas like a calming breathing exercise with Beerbohm the Yoga Cat (a brilliant animation made by Zenna one of the Headstart Youth Team)
- 5 Ways to Wellbeing: Great ways to help you look after your wellbeing
- Sleep: During lockdown lots of people (adults and children) found their sleep patterns got a bit mixed up. We've got some great advice for getting back to a normal routine - so you'll get back to school ready for the term ahead and on time each day
- Eating Well A healthy diet can really help your wellbeing and mental health and boost your brain power for learning!
- Fun stuff: Need a distraction or something to do to help you relax? we've got a few ideas
Parents and carers
Try these useful resources:
Support YP Through Secondary Transition
Back to School Anxiety Helping you to help your child Simple, actionable ideas for parents, carers and other supporting adults - by Dr Pooky Knightsmith