Need a distraction or something to help you relax?
Try these ideas....
...or create your own Wellbeing Toolkit
Try a mindful minute to relax...
5 Ways to Wellbeing Back to School Challenge
Going back to school can be exciting and exhausting at the same time. You've got o make sure you look after you! The 5 Ways... are a great wy to remind you to look after yourself each day... check out the 5 Ways to Wellbeing Back to School Challenge
Calming Colouring
Head over to the wellbeing toolkit to find some cool calming colouring ideas to help you relax and unwind.
#HSKYouth Printable Flipbooks
Our fabulous animator friend Hannah has come up with a brilliant idea for budding illustrators and animators.
Help Hannah bring to life some creatures that live in the sea...Big Fish and Little Fish; an Octopus hiding in a coconut shell and the super Speedy Seal Pup.
Print off the animation template sheets. Colour, collate and enjoy your animation. Templates:
You can see some of the brilliant flip book and other animations made by young people with HSK Youth on our Start Now youtube channel
Get Arty!
Join the wonderful Delia from Funny Faces to learn all about fabulous Celtic Knot face & arm painting... and learn how to make marvellous Celtic wristbands
Write a blog - about anything you like 
You could write a blog for the Start Now website. It could be about your experiences of the lockdown. How are you feeling about going back to school? What you're looking forward to most? How will you balance school work with time to relax? How are you planning to look after your wellbeing? How are you keeping active? You might have you a secret skill you want to share with the world...Tell us about book you think everyone should read or a wellbeing app you've found useful... anything you like, we'd love to hear from you!